Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach designed to support individuals in the immediate aftermath of a crisis or traumatic event. It aims to reduce initial distress and foster short- and long-term adaptive functioning. Here’s a detailed overview:


  • Immediate Support: Provides psychological assistance to individuals experiencing acute stress or trauma.

  • Stabilization: Helps individuals regain a sense of control and stability in their lives following a crisis.

  • Resource Connection: Assists individuals in accessing additional support and resources as needed.

Key Principles

  1. Safety: Ensures the physical and emotional safety of individuals. This includes assessing the environment and addressing any immediate threats.

  2. Calmness: Encourages a calm environment to help individuals process their experiences and emotions.

  3. Connection: Facilitates a supportive connection, offering empathetic listening and validating feelings.

  4. Empowerment: Helps individuals regain a sense of control by empowering them to make decisions about their immediate needs and next steps.

  5. Supportive Listening: Engages in active listening to understand the individual’s needs and concerns without pushing for details.